Forestry Equipment for a Slash Burning Alternative
treatment after a logging
operation gave the "SLASHBUSTER"®
it’s name, and for good reason.
chunks and evenly distributes slash
while installing plantable microsites,
creating an ecologically and economically
sound alternative to burning.
over conventional slash treatment
and forestry equipment include:
- Fire containment risks are eliminated
- Public approval increases with no air quality concerns
- Rapid reforestation begins with the next planting season, rather than being delayed by burn crews waiting for a burn window
- Mychorrizae survival rates are increased with quicker replanting and the mulch provides biomass for rapid beneficial fungi colonization
- Herbicide reduction as the mulch suppresses competing vegetation. A forestry herbicide applicator can be used for immediate basal application.
- Nutrient cycling releases nutrients long-term as the slash naturally decomposes into soil rather than going up in smoke
- Humidity increases in the microclimate, increasing sapling survival rates
- Habitat quality for smaller organisms is improved over a barren landscape
- Soil damage is avoided because:
Hot burning piles
destroy soil structure
and chemistry, affecting
long-term productivity of
the area underneath them. |
Skidders scarify
and compact the soil as
they pile slash, which decreases
forest productivity and
allows invasive species
to colonize the disturbed
area. |
The initial cost per acre for slashbusting
is slightly more than for burning,
but only if long term economics and
environmental effects are not taken
into consideration. Additionally,
when slash is burned, land managers
risk waiting years to replant in forest
soils that are scarified, burned,
nutrient-depleted and colonized with
weeds. For people concerned about
long-term profits and ecosystem-based
sustainable forestry, "SLASHBUSTER"®
forestry equipment is a solid and
responsible investment with predictable
payouts -- economically and ecologically.
performance forestry equipment:
480B brush cutter mounted on a Timbco